Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Official Grain of Minnesotta don'tchya know

Long Grain Wild Rice!
My boyfriend and I just arrived back from Wisconsin. We were visiting his family in the North Woods, translation: way the hell up there in the middle of nowhere (no offense Ty). As a vegan, he promised me an open minded family and plenty of grains for dinner! Low and behold he delivered on both!! Well, not exactly. We introduced his family to quinoa and tofu, ate tons of lentils but never got around to making real wild rice. So we stole a bag of his mother's long grain rice and stashed it in our carry-on. Boy is this wild rice yummy! We made it two nights in a row. The top picture is wild rice with Morning Star Farm's Italian Sausage with sauteed red and green peppers. The bottom photo is "grandmas no-meat meat stuffing to stuff in the meat". Thank you Tyler for the fabulous recipe name. We stir fried TVP with mushrooms and peppers and then added it to the Minnesota state grain. TOO GOOD!
Eat up y'all and buy some good wild rice. -MvL

1 comment:

  1. Let's get together tomorrow and cook a humungous "grainy" meal!!!! OMG - vegan picnic!!!! Maybe Sunday? xoxox
